MPSD staff recognized a need for a smaller school setting for students to excel, off-site from Lincoln High. McKinley School opened its classrooms to 9th and 10th grade students in 2007 in the former McKinley Administration Building which historically had been a school located at 1010 Huron Street. The McKinley Academy relocated to the former Stangel Elementary School in 2019 to become the Stangel Learning Community - a name that encompasses all of the programs offered in this location.
June 2010 welcomed the first of many McKinley graduates.
Class of 2010 - Ashley Biel, Sean Drewieske, Andrew Edwards, Adriene Grider, Kimberly Lorentz, Stacey Miller, Angelica Riske and Rebecca Wheeler
Class of 2011 - Kebrina bishop, Emily Clark, Taylor Danielson, Heidi Daugs, Tyler Fessler, Ricardo Gamez, Autumn Gauger, Janelle Love, Cole Payne, Kaitlyn Reys, Ashley Rivest, Shawn Roose, Gregory Taddy, Sinjin Weina and Winston Weinert
Class of 2012 - Matt Burns, Cole Hornburg, Sierra Kosarzycki, Emily Meyer, Cassandra Moreno, Kayla Nichols, Miguel Oropeza, James Riske, Rosalia Romero, Catlin Sheraski and Nickolas Wiedemann
Class of 2013 - LeDray Gipson, Alysha Hammond, Joseph Hutchison, Cariann Lill, Valene Marmes, Elizabeth Meyer, Shakira Mills, Natasha Rosso, Nicole Schumaker, Rachael Waack, Jarrid White and Troy Zabler
Class of 2014 - Natasha Anthony, Terressa Behrmann, Jeremiah Janke, Philip Koch, Cariann Lill, Dustin Remiker, Nicole Schumaker, Jason Temple, Ceira Watkins and Randy Wilhelm
Class of 2015 - Heather Baeckmann, Evan Brandt, Kaleb Dokey, Freddy "Jacari" Gipson Jr., Clayton Hagen, Emma Little, Taliyah Jackson, Quintin Klawitter, Brittany Knapp, Jeff Novak, Miles Schreiber and Logan Worley
Class of 2016 - Maddie Cook, Brock Gast, Samantha Jordan, Devlin Pangburn, Miranda Remiker, Mariah Risch, Aren Schiesl, Adam Seiler and Bryanna Wetzel
Class of 2017 - Christina Chynoweth, Kyla Hanstedt, Jazmine Neuser, Aaron Newby, Zane Niemojuski, Collin Pagel, Kameron Seal and Emma Sorge
Class of 2018 - Justice Bottenfield, Joshua Heili, Delaney Hutchnison, Jayme Laughrin, Raul Martinez, Hailey Meissner, Gabino Mota, Devin Remiker, Jaysen Schmidt, Kimberly Southwell and Branden Udulutch
Class of 2019 - Madalyn Anhalt, Dylan Austin, Alberto Cedano, Lucas DeBauch, Harley Denis, Edward Gomoll, Bailie Koller, Gaven Kolosso, Regan McVey and Isaac Moffatt
Class of 2020 - Alexandra Belonger, Katie Boyer, Kyle Klinesmith, Elleigh Peplinski, Kaylee Reitmeyer, Alexander Seal, Julian Thomas, Michaela Thomas and Justine Yauch
Class of 2021 - Paige Kluczinske, Clayton Marvel, Zachariah Randall
Class of 2022 - Sidney Coolidge, Madison Cox, Holly Galbraith, Yeikol, Lopez-Ruiz, Erika Marcelle, Ariana Offield, Javier Perez, Brooklynn Ploeckelmann, Kobe Ratsimeuang, Brady Taylor, Mykal Wesley
Class of 2023 - Shelbi Braga, Brayden Buchholz, Trinity Campbell, Jasmine Garcia, Jayden Keup, Madison Kurtz, Karrie Mahloch, Keshaun McCall, Jose Mercado, Jakob Naidl, Cole Oswald, Chrystal Schmitt, Nikole Valdez, Kellen Waack, Riley Welch, Paris Wilhelm
Class of 2024 - Ashlyn DeGrand, Destiny Franco, Jada Gutierrez, William Hernandez, Kayne Kudick, Zayden Kudick, Lee'Asia Luckett, Isabel Martinez, Yuliana Martinez, Evan Moritz, Elizabeth Pasterski, Hunter Pelnar, Meygan Prisk, Owen Wanek, Jazmine Wright